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Khogyani Talc

Alkali Mines now own the lease for the entire Khogyani Talc mines in a joint venture with

Galaxy Ganj!

Our Khogyani talc deposits locate 75Km southeast of
Jalalabad city in the Khogyani district of Nangarhar Province.
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Geochemistry and Mineralogy

of Khogyani talc deposits

Khogyani Talc has high value due to its monomineralic composition, brightness, greasy properties, absence of asbestos, and other chemical-physical qualities.

Good News!

Our Khogyani Talc deposits have no ASBESTOS  due to its chemical formation

Dolomite (3 CaMg(CO3)2) + Silica (4 SiO2) + Water (H2O)

Talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) + Calcite (3 CaCO3) + Carbon dioxide    (3 CO2)

Asbestos Free Talc

deposits are formed via a reaction between dolomite and silica without Serpentine.

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The absence of water in the product site of the reaction explains the greasy properties of our talc products.

X-ray diffraction (XRD) report
of different spots of our Khogyani Talc deposits

SGS report of our current Khogyani Talc stock

For verification of SGS documents click here


Alkali Mines

own many quarry leases in a joint venture


Galaxy Ganj

Alkali Mines
only supplies high


Alkali Mines countertops

Every slab of granite is unique, naturally formed, and extremely durable.

 Alkali Mines offers a unique selection of granite countertop 

Each slab will turn your countertops into a masterpiece.

Granite exudes luxury and elegance and is an excellent choice for kitchen and washroom countertops.

Each slab can vary dramatically in color and veining, making them true individual works of art.

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Our milling machines operators that cut and polish the slabs

Coal is a sedimentary rock that forms naturally over millions of years as plants and other organic matter are buried and subjected to geological pressures. Physical and chemical changes occur as a result of heat and pressure, resulting in carbon-rich coal.

In general, coal is classified as lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite. Different coal grades cannot usually be distinguished only on the basis of their physical appearance. Differentiating coal rankings frequently necessitates the use of many factors. 




The lowest grade of coal is lignite. Lignites have a brown color and a crumbly, earthy texture. They appear to be dirt rather than coal. Calorific (heating) values of lignite are less than 8,300 Btu/lb (2388 Kcal/kg).



The second division of low-rank coals is sub-bituminous coals. They are transitional between lignite and bituminous coal. Sub-bituminous coals have calorific values of 8,300 to 11,500 Btu/lb (2300 to 6300 Kcal/kg)

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Alkali Mines

Bituminous Coal

Bituminous coals are black, lustrous, brittle, and are considered medium-ranked coal. The calorific value of bituminous coals is usually greater than 11,500 Btu/lb (6300 Kcal/kg. 1 kcal/kg = 1.8 Btu/lb)  and between 14 and 35 percent volatile materials. The term "bituminous" refers to the amount of bitumen present in coal. Petroleum tar or natural asphalt are both examples of bitumen.

On a dry mineral-matter-free basis, medium volatile bituminous coals have 22 to 31 percent volatile matter. This equates to a fixed carbon content ranging from 69 to 78 percent. On a dry mineral matter-free basis, low volatile bituminous coals have 14 to 22 percent volatile matter. This equates to a fixed carbon content of 78 to 86 percent.

Metallurgical Coal

The carbon content and caking ability of metallurgical coal distinguish it from thermal coal, which is utilized for energy and heating. Caking refers to the coal's ability to be converted into coke, a pure form of carbon that can be used in basic oxygen furnaces. 

Bituminous coal, generally classified as metallurgical coal, is harder and darker. It has a higher carbon content, as well as less moisture and ash than low-rank coals.

The caking ability of coal is determined by its rank, which is a measure of volatile matter, metamorphism degree, mineral impurities, and the coal's ability to melt, expand, and resolidify when heated.

Metallurgical coal is divided into three categories:

  1. Hard coking coals

  2. Semi-soft coking coal 

  3. Pulverized coal injection


Coke Making

Coke production is essentially the high-temperature carbonization of coal. Coal is fed into the ovens and heated to temperatures of around 1,100 degrees Celsius in the absence of oxygen. The coal will not burn in absence of oxygen; rather, it starts to melt. Unwanted contaminants such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur are volatilized at high temperatures. Coke forms as porous, crystalline carbon lumps large enough to be employed in blast furnaces after cooling.


It can take anything from 12 to 36 hours to complete the operation.

One metric tonne (1,000 kilogrammes) of coke requires around 1.5 metric tonnes of metallurgical coal.

In the steelmaking process, basic oxygen furnaces (BOF) require iron ore, coke, and fluxes as feed materials.

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Our Coal Specifications

  • Total Moisture (TM) between 5% to 10%

  • Volatile matter (VM) between 24% to 30%

  • Ash content between 4% to 10%

  • Sulphur content between 0.4% to 0.7%

  • Gross Calorie Value (GCV) > 7000 Kcal/kg

  • Fixed carbon by proximate analysis is between 55% to 70% 

Based on the U.S. classification system our coal is ranked as medium volatile bituminous coal.


Medium volatile bituminous coals have 22 to 31% volatile matter on a dry mineral-matter-free basis.

This corresponds to a fixed carbon content of 69 to 78%.


What We Provide

At Alkali Mines, we work hard to offer various affordable raw minerals to all of our customers worldwide. No matter what your needs are, our team of experts will go out of their way to customize our solutions to exceed your expectations. Browse through our list of minerals, and contact us today to book an introductory meeting.

The softest rock on the planet and it's composed of magnesium, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Chemically, talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate with a chemical formula of Mg3Si4O10(OH)2.

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